But today I felt a little more together. Don't ask my why. It's not like the holidays aren't crazy enough, and my son has been sick for more than a week with no relief, even after a trip to the pediatricians office. But, I have some BIG news I've been dying to tell y'all. We finally purchased what I would like to call our "dream" property. It was something that we just sort of stumbled upon when we were back in Nebraska at our in-laws. My parents were there visiting to, so I can't imagine a better setting for such a big committment. We aren't able to move there just yet, as our house is still for sale and you know the whole decrease of value thing...blah, blah, blah. So this summer we may end up renting, but right now we are continuing to leave it in the Lord's hands. He knows what's best for us and we are trusting in that.
Now, about the property. :) It's about 40 acres, with pasture valley's and draws, corn crop and a large metal shop for the dear hubby. Right now it only has a mobile home sitting on it (a newer one, so not an old one), but very small, but livable...for a while. We are excited to finally be able to build our dream home...someday. But for now, it's perfect and more than what we ever expected to be ever to have. It's a perfect place to raise our kids, our in-laws live there, my parents may retire there and all of my relatives are about 3 1/2 hours away. I'm kind of excited, because although the trailer is small and it is only temporarily, it's causing me to use some mad design skills to make this place work in order for this family of 4 to be able to live and function in there.
So, here's a little view of our new home. :)